Trials In Tainted Space Vava Groom

  1. 7707 Open - New Designs for Public Space, Raymond W. Gastil, Zoe Ryan 9979 Licensing Update 2008, Battersby, Gregory J. Battersby, Charles W Grimes 7760 Symposium, Plato, Avi Sharon 1129 Occasional Demons, Raymond Soltysek.
  2. Full text of 'The life of James, Duke of Ormond: containing an account of the most remarkable affairs of his time, and particularly of Ireland under his government; with appendix and a collection of letters, serving to verify the most material facts in the said history'.
  3. The former cadets outlined three core failings at West Point: the continued presence of 'systemic racism;' and the absence of anti-racism education and 'anti-racist space.'

0.7.34 Changelog:

Space for hol use, aggressive were o to the driving and road Huntel ty Sheriff's rage, who ha site at Onthesecondday, before,, students actively the Teen participate in enge link. Hands-on drivingex-oad the three ercises that include ease forms skid control, off-road tions, fill recovery and eva-d drop them sive maneuvers, as. Even you had smiled after drinking of this medicine. The life that looked to have left you in your trials came back a little as you took in the liquid he tried so hard to avoid. Anything that could give you such peace after such soul-cleansing torment can never truly be considered bad. He should have known. No more shame for his doubt.

Trials In Tainted Space Vava Groomsmen

  • New Busts: Goo Knight win variants
  • New Item: Pickmentation (allows selecting skin color). It’s quite expensive, as one would expect.
  • “Vava Groom” (new encounter on Uveto) implementation.
  • New shower option.
  • More Foxfire colors.
  • Some tweaks for the “exhibition gains/losses over time” subsystem.
  • Adjustments to level up notices.
  • “More Vending Machines.”

New Since Last Public Release:

  • New Quest: Plantation Quest on Mhen’ga. (Be relatively high level, do all the talk topics, then wait a day or two for an email.) Includes something like 5 new fights, two new items, and a potential pile of money.
  • New Busts: Kane, Quinn, Mabbs, Estraffe, Sylvie, Nessa, Dr. Lessau, Carver, Psychic Egg, Kat, Kaede, and Pippa.
  • New Items: Laquine Ears, Sweat Treat, Muffstick, FizzyFix, Strawberry Shortcake, Holstaria, Lupinoland, and Lemon Loftcake
  • New character on Canadia Station: Mabbs. She’s a drug-dealing rodenian. She’s also immune to Cap’n Steele’s wiles.
  • Rodenian Codex entry added.
  • New Beth’s expansion for working there.
  • Two new NPCs on Uveto.
  • Bubble Buddy Bubbles can now be drank for certain PCs.
  • Various fixes and tweaks.
  • Jacques00 did most of the work to be honest…

Trials In Tainted Space Vava Groom

Next project: Reviewing & Possibly coding Liamme. Could be in tonight (for backers) if all goes well.

Flahne fanart by DastardlyDevil.

Trials in tainted space vava groomers

Trials In Tainted Space Vava Groom

Full nameHnnurrungun ven goor Cruff
Significant OtherEstie, Jaikele
NationalityDenkozenne, currently Uveto


Hnnurrungun ven goor Cruff is a Kalabast pet groomer/slave trainer. Located on Uveto Station two tiles to the left of the ship hanger. Cruff is a traveling pet groomer but he and his partner Estie have been staying on Uveto for 'longer than they usually stay' (found out when talking to them about touring). Estie and Cruff are touring the galaxy setting up Vava groom in various star systems and planets in order to groom the local population. Cruff is a collected and rather smart seeming Kalablast as he acts based on information he’s gathered rather than on instinct, so it seems.



Hnnurrungun ven goor Cruff is a 6’ 1” Kalabast. He dresses simply and tightly in a white t-shirt and black jeans, out of which the well-padded bulk of his tawny, short-furred body fairly bursts. That fur grows in wavy abundance from his head and jaw, adding to his lion-like profile. He’s got it combed back out of the way, although there’s still a certain wildness to it all; savannah in motion. Out of it his two big, lynx-like ears reach. Although he lacks the saber teeth and his nose is probably too broad, here on Uveto it might just be able to mistake him for a milodan were it not for his four eyes. Although the kalabast generally has an affable, purposeful manner about him, those pale yellow orbs with their round black pupils have an odd solemnity to them.

Cruff’s digitigrade legs and the heavy musculature in his back and shoulders give the impression that he could start padding around on all fours at any moment. Out of his pants a short, fluffy tail hangs. What might be in his pants is difficult to tell beyond a respectable bulge at crotch level, but you’d have to assume a kalabast owning a coterie of healthy fhan’i would have to have the equipment to back it up.

Trials In Tainted Space Vava Groom

History/Personality/Information of Note



If Steele says they are a pet then the option to receive some submissive tutelage from Cruff and Estie is available.

  • Erotic Training - Costs 1000 Credits, but according to Cruff it helps you enjoy being a submissive more.


Asking about Vava Groom’s services will unlock erotic submissive training options. This depends on Steele’s choice when asked if they are a pet or owner.


Trials In Tainted Space Vava Groomer

Cruff doesn’t have any sex scenes, but is involved in sexual training.


Cruff doesn’t have any quests.

Trials In Tainted Space Vava Groomers

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