Sniper Elite V2 Scope Mod

New channel: Live channel: Sniper Elite V2 Remastered shoots out. Sniper Elite V2 is the one where you can shoot Hitler in the testicles, right? I mean shooting people in the testicles is par for the (gruesome, slow-mo, finely rendered) course in Sniper Elite games, but this was the one with the Hitler hunting DLC.

In this Sniper Elite V2 Remastered Beginner’s Guide, we will share some tips and tricks that will help you become the best sniper in Sniper Elite V2 Remastered. Sniper Elite V2 Remastered is the remastered version of the 2012 classic game and it brings back Berlin better than ever before. The game features some unique in-game mechanics and hence it is vital that you understand them all to complete covert missions in Berlin.

Our Sniper Elite V2 Remastered Beginner’s Guide will help you survive if you are just starting your journey as a sniper in the game. Our tips and tricks will ensure that you survive the deadly conflict between the Germans and the Russians and get away from the mess they’ve created with your life. Terrorize Berlin with our helpful tips and tricks detailed below.

Beginner’s Guide – Sniper Elite V2 Remastered

Our Sniper Elite V2 Remastered Beginner’s Guide details everything that you need to know about playing Sniper Elite V2 Remastered for the first time.

Explore Entire Areas

Given that Sniper Elite V2 Remastered is a linear game and there is not much to explore in the world, the levels are still pretty huge and they hide a lot of secrets. You must try to explore each area in detail and go to areas which are far from the objective as they will hide some collectible or a perfect sniping perch for you to hide and crack open some skulls.

Exploring the levels will also open up more than one opportunity to complete each level. If the straight path to the objective is too difficult, turn to side alleys or ruins to find new hidden paths that will allow you to get to the back of your enemies and kill them from the point where they are least expecting you.

Stay Crouched

This is very important because staying crouched is the first step of every stealth game in existence and Sniper Elite V2 Remastered is no different. While you are crouched, you will make the least noise and will avoid all unwanted attention to yourself. This will come in handy because sometimes you will need to avoid fully armored tanks in the game as well and they will kill you in one shot if they see you running around the area.

Staying in a crouched position will also help you better aim and fire at enemies. It will increase your accuracy and will help you regain your stamina back quickly as compared to when you are standing. So crouching not only helps you in staying hidden from enemies but it will also make your aim steady and more precise. You can also stealth kill enemies from behind while you are crouched.

Use Custom Loadouts

One thing that is not very clear from the start of the game is that you have the option to opt for custom loadouts in the game. During the mission briefing, if you press R1 twice, it will take you to the loadout screen where you can choose your primary and secondary weapons. Each weapon in the game has its own pros and cons so you can pick whichever suits your playing style. Some weapons will offer more punch but will lack in accuracy. While some will excel in accuracy but lack ammo. You can pick whatever you want and jump in the game with a custom loadout.

Loot Enemy Bodies

As you kill enemies, their bodies will pile up in the game. Make sure that you approach the dead enemies and loot their dead bodies because they will give you back different items and ammo for your weapons. When you start a chapter, you will have a full ammo clip for all your weapons but you will have a limited amount of other items such landmines, line traps and more.

Looting dead bodies will give you ammo or these useful items every time you loot one. Even if your ammo is full, you will pick up any item that still can be that ammo for a secondary weapon or the explosive items. Never leave anybody behind un-looted as these items will ensure your survival in the game.

Maintain a Safe Distance from Enemies

While easy to kill at long-range, the enemies in Sniper Elite V2 Remastered will mow you down in seconds in short-range combat. You must ensure that keep your distance from the enemies and ensure that they do not sneak up behind you. When you are surrounded by enemies, lay down some trip wires and landmines in strategic places so that no one can sneak up behind you.

At close range, the enemies deal massive damage to you even on lower difficulties so make sure that in close-combat, you are the one shooting at the enemies and not them. At times, you might be severely outnumbered by enemies. During such scenarios, keep switching between long-range and close-range while making sure that no one gets too close to you.

Look out for Enemy Snipers

Snipers are the most deceiving enemies in the game. They hide in high perches and nests that are very difficult to spot while you are on the ground. After clearing an area, you start moving ahead and then suddenly a sniper starts shooting at you. This scenario is very common in Sniper Elite V2 Remastered.

For this, you must always scope the area with your binoculars before you move ahead. Keep listening to any footsteps as enemy snipers mover around to get the perfect shot just like you. Look out for nests in high places such as towers, windows, and other wooden perches. Before a sniper fires at you, a white flash will notify you of their location. Make sure that they do not fire again.

Mask Shots in Loud Noises

This strategy is very handy and it will allow you to nab some kills in the middle of an area filled with enemies. During certain times, an icon will appear in the top right corner of the screen which will indicate a loud noise in your vicinity. These loud noises will mask your gunshots and give you the perfect opportunity to kill some enemies.

In high traffic areas or where you are unsure about how many enemies might come at you if they hear the gunshot, wait for the loud noise icon to appear on the screen and then shoot the enemy. However, make sure that no one sees the dead body because the loud noise can only mask the noise of the shot and not hide the body as well. Check the image below for the icon.

Sprinting Consumes Stamina

This is a very normal mechanic for almost every shooter however stamina is vital in Sniper Elite V2 Remastered. Every time you need to take a shot, you will need to empty your lung so that you can have a more accurate shot at your enemies. If you have just sprinted for some time, you cannot empty your lung because your heartbeat would be too high and you will be out of breath already.

For this, you must try to conserve your stamina as much as possible in the game. If you are in the middle of a gunfight, avoid sprinting at all because you will not be able to take accurate shots after sprinting with your sniper rifle. Also if you crouch, it will help speed up the air recovery process in your lungs rather than standing.


Combat is one of the most important aspects of Sniper Elite V2 Remastered and you should be well aware of everything that goes on behind the combat in the game. For this, we have curated a detailed Sniper Elite V2 Remastered Combat Guide that will help you understand all the basics of combat in the game.


Stealth is yet another very important factor in Sniper Elite V2 Remastered. You should try to remain in stealth and try to get as many kills as possible while staying in stealth because once the enemy is aware of your location, reinforcements will arrive on the spot making things harder for you.

This concludes our Sniper Elite V2 Remastered Beginner’s Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

In this Sniper Elite V2 Remastered Combat Guide, we will guide you on everything relating to combat in Sniper Elite V2 Remastered. Combat is one of the most important mechanics of Sniper Elite V2 Remastered and you must be ready to face enemies in the game at any time. The game is pretty unforgiving even on easier difficulties so it is vital that you all the tips and tricks there are relating to combat.

We have curated this Sniper Elite V2 Remastered Combat Guide for you in which we will detail some of the best tips and tricks for you to survive the Germans and the Russians in Berlin. You will come across all sorts of enemies in the game which range from normal soldiers to snipers and full armored tanks and only a properly trained sniper in combat will survive the onslaught in Sniper Elite V2 Remastered.

Combat Guide – Sniper Elite V2 Remastered

Our Sniper Elite V2 Remastered Combat Guide details everything that you need to know about combat in Sniper Elite V2 Remastered.

Understanding the Sniper Rifle Controls

Sniper Elite V2 Demo

Your most important weapon in Sniper Elite V2 Remastered is the sniper rifle. The game features different sniper rifles but they all follow the same procedure of handling. There are four keys that must be aware of while using the sniper rifle. Since I played the game on a PS4, I will be following its controls scheme.

Sniper Elite V2 Scope Mod

Pressing down L2 will simply allow you to aim with the rifle. Press L1 and you will use the scope of your sniper rifle which will also show you some additional information such as your heartbeat rate and air in your lungs. Pressing R1 will allow you to empty your lung which will allow you to make the shot even more precise.

While playing on the Xbox, the general pattern is the same while for PC, you can check the default controls for these four actions. While using the secondary weapons, the standard L2 to aim and R2 to fire scheme applies however for using the sniper rifle, you must use these four controls to make adjustments to your shot and make it more precise. You can also shoot the sniper rifle without looking down the sights but it will be less accurate.

Destroying Tanks and Vehicles

Throughout the game, you will be tasked with destroying numerous tanks and heavy vehicles which will shred you in pieces if you go in their sights. While it might sound like a very difficult task as first, destroying these tanks and vehicles are actually very easy in the game. Each vehicle in the game has an exposed fuel filler cap over the fuel tanks. Shooting the fuel tanks will not do anything. Avoid their line of sight at all costs unless you have a death wish.

To destroy these vehicles, you must fire at these fuel filler caps which are marked red when you aim down the sights and zoom in on the fuel tanks. One hit to these fuel filler caps will destroy the strongest tanks and vehicles in the game. You can use this technique to destroy tanks, armored cars, and troop carriers. All vehicles come with exposed fuel tanks. Armored cars have their fuel tanks at the front while the troop carriers have large fuel tanks on either side. Light tanks have two fuel tanks at the back while the heavy tanks have four fuel tanks on each of their back fenders. Shooting any one of them will destroy the tank.

Lay Down Traps

Sometimes brute force will only get you killed. Setting up traps and playing it strategically will help you survive in more than one situations in the game. For this purpose, you have plenty of highly explosive equipment in the game. Time and time again you will come under attack by a plethora of enemies and your sniper rifle will not be enough to take them all out.

For this purpose, you must understand the importance of laying down traps around you. You have access to a wide variety of traps such as dynamites, trip wires and landmines. Lay them down in areas where you think the enemy might come from and a satisfying explosion will inform you of a kill with these traps.

These are very helpful in areas where you are supposed to defend your position from enemies. Make sure you cover all entrances with traps and pathways from where the enemy might sneak up on you. If you are running short on traps, loot dead enemies and look for ammo supplies in different places to find more traps and explosives.

Stealth Combat

Sniper Elite V2 Remastered is a stealth combat game at its core unless some scripted scenarios where stealth is not an option. You can stick to stealth for as much as you like and there are even chances that you can clear entire missions without alerting enemies. For staying out of sights, you must ensure that you are always in a crouched position or prone position. Standing up or running out will give you out very easily to your enemies.

You must look for in-game loud noises before shooting enemies which will mask your shots. This is exceptionally helpful in areas where shooting one enemy might attract the whole army towards your location and you do not want that. Use a silenced pistol in close combat to silently eliminate enemies without alerting others in the vicinity.

Sniper Elite V2 Scope Modular

You can also stealth melee kill enemies while you are crouched. Sneak up behind an enemy and press X when the prompt appears to kill them silently without informing anyone in the air. To hide your tracks, you can also pick up bodies and hide them. Make sure no one sees or hears you while doing so because it will make your approach useless.

Evading Enemies

If your enemy has seen you, the game is not over. You can still evade your enemies after being seen but note that the enemies will remain vigilante and will change their routine patrol routes. The first thing you should do is to crouch or go prone once the enemy has spotted you. Once done, try to move away from the enemies. If you have gone out of the sight, a white outline will appear in location where your enemy last saw you.

Once you see that white outline, you must try to get away from that location because the enemies will fire and converge at the location. You can use this to your advantage and try to get behind the enemies and kill them while they are still occupied with your last known location. As you get close to enemies, a small white bar will appear at the bottom of the screen which will show the direction of the enemy and their awareness status.

White means enemy is unaware, yellow means that they are getting aware while red means that enemies are aware of your location and will shoot on sight. If you are using the sniper rifle’s scope, this bar will appear at the top of the screen. Make sure that you use this bar as a guide and avoid getting into your enemy’s sights.

Check out our Sniper Elite V2 Remastered Beginner’s Guide as well.

This concludes our Sniper Elite V2 Remastered Combat Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.